The Aim of the website is to collect together all possible resources and references on Mahabharat. On internet, you find lot of scattered resources, which are categorized and aligned together to make single repository of information.If you like the website please share it with your friends and family.You should also consider bookmarking the site by pressing CTRL+D

Info about Sharing : Address of the website is, This is built on new extension, which was launched on 29th October 2021. So far, Facebook doesn't support extension. When you share on Facebook they recognize it as work around is share the alternative address of website on Facebook.

info for using site on Mobile Browsers : This website has 9 pages (tabs), on mobile browser it only shows one page. To view all pages on mobile browser, look for 3 horizontal icon at top right corner of website. Click the “3 horizontal line” and you would see all pages.

Contact : For feedback about the website and advertise on the website, please send an email to team(at) , replace (at) with @


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